SALCURA TOPIDA INTIMATE HYGIENE SPRAY 50ML Description: Topida has been specifically formulated to soothe, cool and calm by creating a healthy microbial balance on the affected areas. This effective, quick acting solution balances the pH levels and essential nutrients help maintain skin cells and mucosa in a viable and healthy condition. The ingredients have been carefully chosen to provide all the nutrients for skin hygiene and comfort. Salcura's Topida is our most effective product for people prone to fungal infections anywhere on the body. Here's why: Liquid Spray Offers a far more pleasant and practical alternative to creams and pessaries Pure & Natural We don't want you putting any artificial chemicals in sensitive places! No known side effectves Suitable for use during pregnancy / breast feeding Long Term Solution Once it has dealt with an infection, continued use can reduce the chances of future infections Ingredients: Water (Aqua) Australian Sandalwood Oil (Santalum Spicatum) Manuka Oil (Leptospermum Scoparium) Swamp Paperbark Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca Ericafolia) Lemon Tea Tree Oil (Leptospermum Petersonii) Cinnamon Oil (Cinnamonium Zeylanicum) Olive Oil (Olea Europaea) Marigold Oil (Calendula Officinalis) Lavender Oil (Lavendula Augustifolia) Thyme Oil (Thymus Vulgaris) Garlic Oil (Allium Sativum) Fennel Oil (Faeniculum Vulgare) Peppermint Oil (Mentha Arvensis) Vegetable Glycerine Silicea* (micronized): ZeomaZ – Tribo Mechanically Activated Zeolite Directions: 1. Apply at least 3-4 times a day initially onto the affected areas. 2. If the area is sore then simply spray on and allow the liquid to absorb on its own accord. 3. Reduce this application frequency as the inflammation and symptoms subside. 4. When skin has returned to relative normality, continue using the products to top up the areas prone to infection with Topida's pH balancing formula 2-3 times per week. This should keep infections and irritation under control. 5. For external and internal use.